We use the latest production technologies

Using of the best materials is one of the most important things in architecture, it determines the good condition of the product, for many years.

On the market there are many materials with are used on a daily basis around the world. Unfortunately, many of them quickly lose their properties, becoming with time completely useless.


What we using in our projects?

Our projects are based mainly on wood, steel, stainless steel and cast iron. Cast iron is an extremely plastic material is therefore ideally suited for projects requiring ornaments, for example n retro style, in which there are mostly floral motifs.

Crude steel while well suited for modern spaces where minimalism is treated as a keynote. The most important task for an architect is to match the product to the space, choosing the complementary element.

Best proven materials
Sometimes minimalist approachit is very important in a project, it all depends on what kind of space we work on and what we want to achieve. Choosing materials is always closely linked with the surroundings.
We take care of every detail, so our products achieve the highest quality. We carefully select materials and putting them together we create new solutions.

The latest technologies and good quality materials are the key to creating a unique product, and a satisfied customer who will be able to use it for a long time.